An article for the Literary Review about the 350th anniversary of the final version of John Milton’s epic poem Paradise Lost.

An article speculating about the influence of Milton’s epic on the Barbie movie, published by Lit Hub.

An essay for Effects on ‘vampire minimalism’, and the intertwined histories of minimalist aesthetics and gentrification.

An essay on the figure of Fortune in Renaissance poetry, published in a volume entitled Fate and Fortune in European Thought, edited by Ovanes Akopyan. If you are fabulously wealthy, or a library, you can purchase the book here. Or you can read my chapter for free.

An essay for Effects on the aesthetic catastrophe of the basic and the reactionary politics of the late 2010s.

A pamphlet on poems about dusk, the dusk as an object of collective enjoyment, and its prohibition during the lockdown. Earthbound Press did such a beautiful job printing it. You can buy it here.

A Google Audience review of the film Ratatouille. Still one of the pieces of writing I am proudest of. You can find it here if you scroll down long enough.

An essay on four works of contemporary art and literature attempting to represent the European migration crisis - in Effects.

An interview with the photographer Hiroshi Sugimoto for CNN Style. We spoke about his astonishing images of Italian theatres, seascapes, climate change, and the Manhattan Westside development. It’s online here.

An essay for The White Review on artificial wildlflower meadows, the aesthetics of wildness, and contemporary British politics.

An interview with Lynette Yiadom-Boakye for The White Review, issue 13. It was republished in the White Review Art Anthology.

An essay on the Nigerian-American novelist Teju Cole, and his meditations on New York and Lagos, for Tank magazine.

A review of Accelerate, an anthology of accelerationist writings, for Frieze.

An essay on the mysterious and elegant paintings of Lynette Yiadom-Boakye for Contemporary&.

An essay on second-hand markets and surrealism, for The White Review, issue 8.

An interview with the sculptor Rachid Khimoune for the blog Africa is a Country, republished by The Guardian.

An interview with the photographer Hassan Hajjaj for the blog Africa is a Country, republished by The Guardian.